
Published 05.01.2023

The extension project to Suomen Hyötytuuli’s Tahkoluoto offshore wind farm proceeds to permitting phase

Suomen Hyötytuuli’s offshore wind farm project at Tahkoluoto, Pori on the west coast of Finland proceeds to permitting phase. The project is an extension to Finland’s first offshore wind farm. With land use plans that allow for modern, over 15-megawatt wind turbines, the project is also a significant step towards market-based wind power production in Finland. 

Suomen Hyötytuuli’s Tahkoluoto offshore wind farm, piloted in 2010 and fully operational in 2017, is Finland’s first offshore wind farm and also the world’s first offshore wind farm in frozen sea conditions. The recently approved land use plan of the extension project facilitates building forty over 15-megawatt wind turbines northeast of the current wind farm. The estimated completion date of the extension project is in 2027, and the annual production is expected to be 2000 gigawatt hours.

The offshore wind farm covers 128 km2 and is located near Pori, on the west coast of Finland, 4–22 km offshore. The environmental impact assessment was carried out during 2020–2021. After approval of the land use plan, the project continues with water and building permitting, technical design and the preparations for investment decision.

The project strengthens Finland’s independence of imported energy and supports domestic and international targets for carbon neutral energy production. Toni Sulameri, Managing Director of Suomen Hyötytuuli highlights the project’s role in Finnish energy production as well as in wind power development: ”The Tahkoluoto Extension project is a significant step in Suomen Hyötytuuli’s offshore wind power development towards market-based and sustainable energy production. We consider this to be the kick-off for offshore wind power business in Finland.”

Further information and images of Suomen Hyötytuuli’s Tahkoluoto offshore wind farm:

Web page for Tahkoluoto extension:

For more information:
Managing Director Toni Sulameri,
Project Development Manager Juho Lappalainen,, +358 50 560 7284
Interview requests: Executive Assistant Tanja Kivi,, +358 44 764 1432

Suomen Hyötytuuli Oy develops and produces Finnish renewable energy. It is owned by eight city energy companies in Finland. We have seven wind farms in operation and three under construction.